
Quality - Environment - Health and Safety
Being convinced that the success, the profitability and the durability of STIP depend on the fidelity and the confidence of its customers, the General Manager has set itself the objective of producing a reference tire in Tunisia and have international recognition.
An adaptation of advanced technologies, cleaner production and efficient management of human, material and natural resources are the basic tools for the success of this mission.
It is also in this context that our approach is to set up an Integrated Quality, Environment Management System which aims to efficiently meet the requirements of the customers of the interested parties, and legal, regulatory requirements identified and other requirements.
This desire for continuous improvement tends to lead to the following objectives:
- Improve the competitiveness of the AMINE brand for better profitability.
- Base human resource management on skills development through awareness, training and communication.
- Ensure the consistency and compatibility of the system and our products with national and international requirements.
- Ensure the sustainability of the company through continuous improvement and evaluation of its processes.
- Listening to our Clients for a constant adaptation to their expectations, with a view to systematic and optimal satisfaction.
- Promote modern technologies to maintain a high level of intrinsic quality.
- Optimize the management of natural resources and ensure better control of nuisances, emissions, sources of solid waste and water discharges.
- Establish an environmental culture at all levels through awareness, training and communication.
- Ensure compliance with environmental laws and regulations and other identified requirements.
- Reduce solid waste and optimize sorting, upgrading and preventing pollution.
- Reduce the consumption of water and energy through continuous monitoring.
- Adopt appropriate technologies for better production and a clean environment.
Health & Safety
- Prevent personal injury; health and safety risks to workers.
- Develop an OHS culture at all levels based on awareness, training and communication.
- Comply with the contractual or other regulatory requirements identified in the area of OHS.
- Establish and maintain working conditions to prevent occupational diseases and accidents.
- Adopt appropriate technologies for safe production that respects OHS.
- Proactively and comprehensively analyze the risks associated with our business, and continually improve OHS within the company.
The effort of all company staff is therefore required so that the various actions undertaken by General Management to achieve the objectives Quality & Environment, Health and Safety at work are successful..
The General Manager, undertakes to provide the necessary resources for the maintenance, preservation and continuous improvement of the Integrated Management System Quality & Environment,in compliance with the requirements of international standards ISO-9001 , ISO-14001 versions 2015.
To maintain and improve this system, General Management has appointed :
- Mr Fakher ZBIDI: Management Representative
- Mme Sonia MLAYAH: Head of the head office Quality & Environnement Management System
- Mr Fakher ZBIDI: Responsible for the Quality Management System of factory 1
- Mr Mehrez BOUICADIDA: Responsible for the Environmental Management System of factory 1
- Mme Fedia HKIRI: Responsible for the Quality Management System of factory 2
- Mr Mohamed Ali GHARBI: Responsible for the Environmental Management System of factory 2
General Manager
Mr Khemis BABA
Edition: December 2020